Watch industry statistics

Swiss watch exports

Statistics on Swiss watch exports are updated monthly. They are based on foreign trade statistics prepared by the Federal Customs Administration. All values are expressed as export prices, according to declarations made by the exporting firms.

September 2019
Return to growth

Swiss watch exports benefited from an additional working day and a favourable base effect in September. The net result for the month increased sharply More...

Variation of the MAT value
Monthly analysis[ August ]
Total value by markets[ August / January - August ]
Watches and total value by regions[ August / January - August ]
Watches and movements since 2013[ August / January - August ]
  Results of current month

2018 annual results

Press release
Total value by markets
Watches and total value by regions
Watches and movements since 2013

Historical series since 2000

NEW - Total value by market and by region
Watches by price point
Watches by material
Quartz and mechanical watches

The data supplied by the Federal Customs Administration and published by the FH can be subsequently revised or adjusted. The most recent publications prevail.

World statistics

Each year, the FH compares the results of the main watch producing or exporting countries in an illustrated summary report. This document provides an overview of trends in the sector.

The Swiss and World watch industries in 2018     ENFR - DE
The Swiss and World watch industries in 2017     ENFR - DE
The Swiss and World watch industries in 2016     ENFR - DE


Statistics published by the FH are based on export figures and not on sales to the end consumer. There may be differences between these two types of results. In addition, FH statistics are the result of consolidating the exports of all Swiss watchmaking firms. It is not possible on the basis of these statistics to determine the business trends of a particular firm or group, bearing in mind that performance levels may differ from one company to another.